7th Sea Accumulated Rulings
[Most Recent Rulings],[Actions],[Adventures],[Attachments],[Crew],[Ships],[General
Experienced Crew
Editor: I've been asked to leave this ruling at the top of
the "new" section for some time, until everyone learns how the new
experienced trait works. These questions keep coming up. Additionally, I
clarified Erik's comment on the digest, and he gave my clarification approval
for this scenario.
Q: If I have 3 Inils in play and I replace one of them
with the experienced Inil, what happens to the other 2 since he is now unique
A: Nothing. Unique has to be on both cards for Unique to really be in effect.
You can even rehire the non-Exp crew back onto your ship. [EY, digest, 9/5/00]
In the case of Inil, if you have 3 in play, and the
experienced overplays, one Inil is discarded from play. Now, since he is in
your discard pile, you
can cycle him, and then rehire him if he comes back up.
In the case of Joern Keitelsson, since his inexperienced
version is also unique, you can only have one of him in play period, and
that was what Erik's example was talking about.
In the case of Inil, you can have 3 inexperienced, and 1
experienced in play at a time.
Now, remember. You CAN hire experienced crew at full price,
without overlying. SOOOO if you could afford the exp. Inil, instead of
discarding and waiting for the recycle, simply pay the full cost, and put him
on board in ADDITION to the 3 inexperienced ones.
Call to Duty
- Should read: ...Adventuring plus Swashbuckling. This card
may not be used to inflict extra Hits during a Boarding. [EY, digest,
errata, 9/20/00]
Card Effects
- Cards which have effects that last the entire round (Scurvy,
"Prides", etc) stay in play the entire round. However, they
can only be targeted for cancelling by The Better Part of Valor, etc.
when they are initially played. [EY, digest, SS Rulebook, 9/20/00]
- May be used during a boarding to absorb and inflict hits. [MRP
Scarlet Seas, errata, 9/24/00]
- Cards which can be played during a boarding, may be played
during a duel (Near Miss, Run 'im Through, etc). [EY, digest,
- Cards which give benefits to the results of a boarding attack
(Panzerhand, etc) will give their bonuses during a duel. [EY, digest,
- Cards which say "cannot be used during a boarding"
(Speed Isn't Everything, etc) cannot be used during a duel. [EY, digest,
- Crew which do not tack to absorb extra hits during a
boarding, do not absorb extra hits during a duel. [EY, digest, 9/15/00]
- You do not draw three cards after a duel [EY, digest,
- Cards which are played to absorb hits and then attach to crew
(Wounded, Handsome Scar, Peg Leg, Eyepatch, Artifact Leg, etc) should
read as follows: React: Play this card when you are suffering Hits.
Attach this card to one of your Crew to suffer X fewer hits. They
cannot attach to a crew with the No Attachments Trait. [EY, digest,
reversal, errata, 9/15/00]
- Cannot be played on a crew with the No Attachments
trait. [EY, digest, reversal, 9/15/00]
- If a Action (High Seas Boarding, Ambush Boarding, etc.)
is attempting to be cancelled with a card effect (Steering Clear, Last
Second Escape, etc), and the canceling card is cancelled instead (Better
Part of Valor), you may not go back and pay the initial cancel cost. That
trigger no longer exists. [EY, digest, Scarlet Seas Rulebook, 9/15/00]
- Cards that are cancelled are discarded (with the exception of
Adventures). [EY, digest, 9/14/00]
- If the completion of an Adventure is cancelled, the Adventure
remains in play. [EY, digest, 9/11/00]
- If you cannot meet the payment requirements for a card after
it has been announced, it is discarded. This includes Actions as well as
Hiring crew. [EY, digest, 9/14/00]
- When you want to play an action, the mechanic is as follows:
1) Announce 2) Pay 3) Resolve [EY, digest, 9/14/00]
- Captains have no influence cost, so they are unaffected by
cards which target an influence cost (No Survivors, Merchant Ship, etc)
[EY, digest, 9/14/00]
Clear the Decks
- Clear the Decks not only removes "lasting
effect" cards such as Prepare for Boarding, I Fight Better Drunk
etc, but it will also remove cards (Crew, Attachments, Captains, Ships) which
have an ability which says "instead of a boarding attack" (Pistols,
Muskets, Santino Medrano, etc.). These cards must have used their
ability in order to qualify for removal. [EY, digest, 9/12/00]
Guns Blazing
- More than one may be played upon entering a boarding [EY, digest,
The Scarlet Roger
- It's ability is a card effect and can stop Ambush Boarding,
Common Pier, etc. [EY, digest, 9/11/00]
Rabbit's Foot
- Cannot be used to change a boarding attack during a boarding.
It is intended to be used by cards which require the discarding of the top
card of your deck (Foul Weather Jack, Grimmey Stubbs, etc). [EY, digest,
The Third Switch
- If the completion of this adventure is cancelled by It's a
Trap, it remains in play. [EY, digest, 9/11/00]
- If completed in a sea which contains both Sea Attachments
which can be discarded from play by an action or card effect, and those that
can't, only those which can be discarded, are. [EY, digest, 9/11/00]
Confusion on Deck
- Can be used to stop crew (Santino Medrano, etc.) who
have abilities which allow them to do something "instead of a boarding
attack". [EY, digest, 9/11/00]
Backs to Wall
- Is played immediately after a crew is pushed forward to begin
a boarding attack, but before the boarding attack is played. [EY, digest,
Inquisitor Bascalle
- If a boarding is performed as the "next action", Inquisitor
Bascalle's ability last the duration of the boarding. [EY, digest,
Barnacle Pete
- Gains a bonus to his skills from Captain Bonnie first,
and then his ability takes effect. [EY, digest, 9/11/00]
Rulings on Cards
"...and He Makes Witty Repartee"
- Affects all your crew, not just your Captain. [EY, digest, 8/24/00]
"..and One for All"
- Should read: "..you may tack or sink a Crew that you
control, other than your Crew in the Boarding attack..." [EY, digest,
errata, 9/5/00]
Again Boys!
- Can be used with Ally cards who produce a cannon
attack. [EY, digest, 8/18/00]
- Does not prevent a player from playing Last Second Escape. The
boarding/cannon is cancelled, however, the ship does not move because Becalmed
prevents it. [EY, digest, 5/2/00]
- Does not prevent a player from playing St. Roger's Day. However,
even though the cost is paid, there is no effect, and the ship does not
move. [EY, digest, 5/2/00]
Best Served Cold
- Crew coming into play from Best Served Cold must
adhere to the normal rules of hiring crew. This means you cannot bring in a
second copy of a unique personality, or a crew loyal to another
faction (had the crew gotten into the sunk pile from the Fair Weather
Friend). [EY, digest, 9/7/00]
- Betrayal may target any other ship in the game, including ones in other seas.
[DV, digest]
- A cannon attack may not be cancelled with Bad Powder once Betrayal has been played.
[DV, digest]
- Now includes the word "target" [MRP Broadsides]
- Can be used against another Betrayal. [DV, digest 1/28/00]
Betrayal does not change the nature of the hits (i.e. You can use Quick
Tack to reduce the number of Betrayed cannon hits). [AEG, digest, FAQ, 6/12/00]
When Betraying hits received from Challenge to a Duel,
the hits are being redirected to a target ship. Since Ships cannot sink, all
of the hits must be absorbed, overriding the card text. [EY,
digest, 6/20/00]
Blows Up in Your Face
- Only applies to Crew Attachments. [DV,
digest, 5/1/00]
Canister Shot
- Inflicts "hits" not "cannon hits". [EY,
digest, errata, 5/3/00]
- Can be used to absorb a single hit by itself. [EY, digest, 5/10/00]
Cannot be used to produce a single point of cannon for a 1
point attack, although it may used as part of paying a cannon cost. [EY, digest,
- Can be used when you are producing swashbuckling during a
boarding for an additional hit. [EY, digest, 6/20/00]
When being played, the discarded card goes to the discard
pile first, and then the Carousing. [EY, digest, 8/29/00]
Cat O' Nine Tails
- If used on your captain, produces 3 extra skill and then causes you to lose
the game by discarding your captain. [AEG, FAQ, 5/30/00]
Chain Shot
- Brutes, Bully Boys and other cards that absorb extra hits when tacked can absorb hits from
Chain Shot even if they have
a 0 in the targeted skill. They merely absorb the extra amount printed on
the card. [DV, digest]
- Added: Once all Crew on the target Ship with a Sailing greater than 0 are
tacked, all remaining Hits are reduced to 0 [MRP Broadsides]
Challenge To A Duel
- You draw three cards at the end of the duel. [DV,
digest, 4/23/00]
- Only requires that the challenged crew is untacked. Your crew doing the
challenge can be tacked. [EY, digest, 5/3/00]
- The crew involved in the duel tack at the end. [EY, digest,
Crossing the T
- Crew with both sailing and cannon can only produce one skill
towards the cost, not both. [EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
Cut the Ropes
- Cut the Ropes ends the Boarding, not just the Boarding Attack. To play
other Boarding type cards, you must start another successful boarding. [DV]
- Cannot sink for an infinite amount of absorption. It should be played as
it's ability is a trait, and not a react. [AEG, FAQ, 5/30/00]
Direct Hit!
- Must be played on a crew with an existing skill greater than 6 (adventures,
attachments), not the current level (which may be raised due to actions). [DV,
digest, 1/28/00]
- May be played before a boarding attack during Challenge
to a Duel. [EY,
digest, 6/19/00]
Dispatching the Scum
- It means bonuses that let you inflict extra hits. All you get to use is raw
Swashbuckling - not Swordsman bonuses or Prepare for Boarding!
bonuses. [DV, digest, 1/28/00]
Fire the Chase Guns!
- Cannot be played after a Cannon attack from an Attachment
or Ally (no cannon is produced), however a Cannon attack from an Attachment
or Ally may follow Fire the Chase Guns!. [EY, digest, 8/29/00]
Ghouls Sneak on Board
- Refers to all completed adventures aboard a ship, regardless of what they
are attached to. [EY, digest, 6/7/00]
Grape Shot
- Brutes, Bully Boys and other cards that absorb extra hits when tacked can absorb hits from
Grape Shot even if they have
a 0 in the targeted skill. They merely absorb the extra amount printed on
the card. [DV]
- Added: Once all Crew on the target Ship with a Cannon greater than 0 are
tacked, all remaining Hits are reduced to 0 [MRP Broadsides]
Helpful Advice
- Is considered an attachment. [DV, digest, 1/28/00]
Hiding in the Reefs
- Hiding in the Reefs damages the ship attempting to board, not the ship playing
Hiding in the Reefs. [DV, digest, MRP Broadsides]
- If cancelled with The Better Part Of Valor, you may immediately
pay a regular SMC to cancel the boarding as the trigger still exists. [EY, digest
High Seas Boarding
Can be cancelled by Hiding in the Reefs, Steering Clear, and
Last Second Escape. [EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
Into the Fray
- Condition changed to having a crew with Swashbuckling greater than 2.
Last Second Escape
- If an opponent has used Betrayal against your cannon
attack, you cannot play Last Second Escape to avoid the hits. They are
still Cannon Hits, but the Cannon Attack portion of the attack is over.
[EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
- If played while under the effects of Becalmed, you
cancel the Cannon attack but do not move anywhere. [EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
- If used during the "7th Sea" it will cancel the
Cannon attack, but you do not move anywhere. [DW, corr, 7/14/00]
Low on Shot
- A crew who has been targeted with Low on Shot cannot be targeted with
Good Shot because they have a skill of 0. [DV, digest, 1/28/00]
Major Hull Damage
- Cannot be sunk with That Hurts! (card text) [EY, digest, 6/9/00]
Man the Bilge Pumps
- Must be played only after all hits have been absorbed. [DV]
Clarification : Man the Bilge Pumps cannot be
used in the middle of absorbing hits, while you are still suffering
hits. You must note the word "Crew" and the lack of a
determiner here. It says once you have tacked "Crew." Meaning both
single and plural. That means that the card is played once all of hits have
been absorbed by one or more crew. [AEG, FAQ, 5/30/00]
Minor Hull Damage
- Cannot be sunk with That Hurts! (card text) [EY, digest, 6/9/00]
- The hit from Misfire may be absorbed as normal. The crew tacking for the cannon attack does not have to absorb it.
- Crew that have no faction alignment are NOT affected by Mutiny.
No Survivors!
- Has no effect on an Espera who was brought into play
for 0 because of Dalia. His influence was 0 at the time he was brought
into play only, and not at any other time. [EY, digest, 8/18/00]
- Affects cards in play whose current influence (with
continuous modifiers i.e. Posh Quarters) is less than 3, not cards who
may have had their influence cost reduced when they were brought into play
(i.e. Gold Only Buys Obedience). [EY, digest, 8/18/00]
- Can prevent a point of damage outside of a boarding [EY, digest, 5/18/00]
Purple Heaves
- Can only be used to discard one crew in response to Bjornsson's Horn.
[AEG, FAQ, 3/18/00]
Queen of the Sea
- Added wording "inflict". [MRP Broadsides]
Ramming Speed
- The ship playing Ramming Speed MUST be in the same sea as the target ship.
- Added wording "inflict". [MRP Broadsides]
Rough Voyage
- Added wording "inflict". [MRP Broadsides]
Shot Across the Bow
- Can be used multiple times in response to one cannon attack. [EY, digest,
Steal Their Wind
- If used in conjunction with Chain Shot, and the player chooses to
absorb the hits with sailing, they must produce an extra 2 sailing before
absorbing hits. [DV, digest, 2/23/00]
Only costs 3 sailing to cancel, not 5. The effect only takes place after
the cancel cost isn't paid. [DV, digest, 4/13/00]
- Will stop bonuses caused by Leegstra School, I Fights Better Drunk or
any card which directly affects swashbuckling. It will not stop bonuses such
as a swordman's bonus, special abilities (Thomas Metzger, Mabela, etc),
attachments (Cargo Hook, etc), bonuses from ships or ship attachments.
[DV, digest, 3/16/00]
- Does not affect "inflicting hits" [EY, corr, 5/15/00]
Can be played in response to your opponent tacking a crew to absorb hits. This will work like a mini Padre Alfonso, but will not effect their
abilities to absorb extra hits or hits absorbed by sinking a crew. [AEG,
FAQ, 5/30/00]
Take it like a Man
- Take it like a Man may not cancel a Take it like a Man.[DW]
Cannot be used against Bad Powder, as it reacts to suffering hits,
and Bad Powder reacts to producing cannoning. [EY, digest, 5/2/00]
Will not cancel Last Second Escape. LSE is targeting
the cannon attack being made on your ship, not the hits you would be
suffering. [EY, digest, 7/14/00]
Better Part of Valor
The Great Grey
- Added wording "inflict". [MRP Broadsides]
The Living Storm
- Added wording "inflict". [MRP Broadsides]
The Wrath of Reis
- Can be used against Felipe Jose de Granjero (reacts to the word tacking),
digest, 8/18/00]
Throw me the Whip
- Can be used to move a cannon item adventure to another crew member. [DV,
digest, 1/28/00]
Unexpected Turn of Events
- Cannot be used in reaction to Challenge to a Duel. Challenge
only begins the duel, it does not inflict hits. [DV, digest, 4/12/00]
- Added wording "inflict". [MRP Broadsides]
Walk the Plank!
- May be played after a failed attempt at boarding. [EY, digest, 6/8/00]
Would Be Traders
- If multiple Would be Traders are used at the same
time, hits caused as a result must be dealt with individually. You cannot tack
one crew to absorb 6 hits for example. [EY, digest, 8/18/00]
- If used in conjunction with a crew that untacks when entering a boarding (Andre
Levovich, Thordis Bjerregaard), you can react to the trigger of entering
the boarding twice. First, you remove the Wounded. Second, your
opponent passes. Third, you can untack your crew. [DV, digest, reversal,
- Thordis Bjerregaard cannot use her ability twice per turn (ed:
card text) [EY, corr, reversal, 5/15/00]
- Cannot be played on a crew with the No Attachments
trait. [EY, digest, reversal, 9/15/00]
Sails Of Wind
- If you enter a sea, and a player reacts with Maureen Leveque
and Bloody Bonnie McGee to begin a boarding, once the boarding is
over you will able to use the ability of the Sails of Wind. [EY,
digest, 5/9/00]
Advanced Swordsmanship
- Effects are cumulative. [AEG, FAQ, 5/30/00]
Adventuring Galley
- Completes adventures for the lower cost if you are using Allende as
your captain. [EY, digest, 5/2/00]
Should have the words "without cost" added to it,
because it is an action. [EY, digest, errata, 7/24/00]
Aldana School
- Should read: React: Tack Aldana School immediately before
this Crew's opportunity to play a card during a Boarding Attack to draw three
cards. Place
one of these cards in your hand, then discard the others.. [EY, digest, errata, 8/24/00]
Basic Swordsmanship
- When played on a crew who currently has the 'Swordsman'
trait, gives them the trait twice, but they only gain the benefit once.. [EY,
FAQ, 7/26/00]
Billy Bones
- See the General Rulings/Crew Maximum section.
- Affects Gosse's Gentlemen faction. [DV]
Brenden Stratford
- Should read: "Explorer Captain Attachment" [EY,
digest, errata, 9/5/00]
- Should read: "Tack Blockade to target a ship in this
sea..". [EY, digest, errata, 9/5/00]
Cat O' Nine Tails
- Effects are not cumulative. You cannot use two (or more). [DV, digest,
- May be used on your Captain to produce 3 extra points of
skill. You then lose the game, because you have to discard your Captain. [EY,
FAQ, 7/26/00]
If used on your captain, produces 3 extra skill and then causes you to lose
the game by discarding your captain. [AEG, FAQ, 5/30/00]
You may only use Cat O'Nine Tails once per crew. [MRP,
Scarlet Seas, 8/31/00]
Charter (Explorer Letter of Marque)
- Gives +1 bonus to all skills of a Captain with Cutlass of
Command attached. [EY, digest, 8/18/00]
Fine Galley
- See General Rulings/Paying a Cost
- Cannot be used when sinking a crew to absorb hits, or when inflicting hits
during a boarding. [EY, corr,
reversal, 5/15/00]
- Can be used when tacking a crew to absorb hits. [DV, digest, 2/25/00]]
- Cannot be used to pay a cost by itself, and must be used in conjunction with
a crew. [AEG, FAQ, 3/18/00]
Grappling Gun
- Cannot be used when entering a duel with Challenge to a Duel. It's used when "entering a
boarding", not "boarding attack". [EY, digest, 5/8/00]
Jean-Marie Rois-et-Reines
- May be used to prevent Felipe Jose de Granjero special
ability. [EY, digest, 8/30/00]
Kalem the Believer
- Should read: "Once per turn, Untack Kalem.." [EY,
digest, errata, 9/5/00]
Naval Sanction (Castille Letter of Marque)
- Cannot be put into play after playing Challenge to a Duel. [EY,
digest, 5/22/00]
Pack 'em In
- May be played on a Captive Crew with the No
Attachments trait. [MRP, Scarlet Seas, 8/31/00]
Pulling Through
- Should read: "React: Discard
this card before you complete an Adventure to target one of your Adventures
up to a number of Seas away equal to
this Crew's Porte. You may immediately complete that Adventure as if your
Ship were in that Sea by paying all costs. [EY, digest,
errata, 7/24/00]
Andre Braudel
Andres Donovich
- Gains the bonus from Face, Eye, Hand, or Leg card attachments
immediately. For example, when suffering a 3 point cannon attack, you use Eyepatch
to absorb to first hit. Andres immediately has 2Sw and can tack to absorb the
remaining hits. [EY, digest, 8/18/00]
- Will not sink if she wins a boarding using Panzerhand.
(see General Rulings/Cards that produce boarding attacks). [EY, digest, 8/24/00]
Bloody Bonnie McGee
- Bonnie's ability does not allow you to start a Boarding on a ship in a
different sea when you have conducted a cannon attack against it by way of cards like
Warship, Waylaid, of the General's Tactics. [DV]
- Bonnie's ability only gives you the opportunity to begin a
boarding. You must still pay your SMC (ed: or other card effect) to begin a
boarding. [EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
Captain Bonnie (captain)
- Her ability is based on the crew's current skill level, not
their printed (starting) skill. [EY, digest, 9/5/00]
Captain Necros (captain)
- Cannot start the game with any non-Black Freighter crew. [EY,
digest, 9/5/00]
Celedoine (exp)
- May use her ability against Dispatching the Scum. [EY, digest,
- She tacks to reduce hits, not to absorb hits. This means
she cannot untack with Man the Bilge Pumps. [EY, digest,
Delaina Darling
- Only affects cards which have gone to the discard pile by being cancelled or
resolved. She does not affect cards that remain in play (such as during a
boarding). [EY, digest, 5/22/00]
Has no effect on cards played as a boarding attack during.
When playing a card as boarding attack, you ignore everything except the
boarding boxes. [EY, digest, 8/21/00]
- May have the amount of canceling skill their ability
produces increased by Fine Galley. [EY, digest, 9/7/00]
Felipe Jose de Granjero
- Cannot use his ability when targetted by Dispatching the Scum. [DV,
digest, 1/29/ 00]
Gustolph Hirsch
- Should read "Act:", not "React:". [DV, digest, errata,
Hernando Ochoa
- You must discard down to 7 cards in the discard phase BEFORE
discarding a card for Hernando. [DV]
Jacob Faust
- Can use his ability when entering a sea with Sails of Wind.
digest, 3/7/00]
Jillison Brown
Jimmy Bass
- In order to use his extra cannon strength ability, you must SUCCESSFULLY board the opponent's ship.
Kheired-Din (captain)
Maureen Leveque
- Situation: A ship with a crew with Sails of Wind attached moves into the sea where Maureen Leveque is at.
Ruling: Maureen may fire at the ship before Sails of Wind is used if and only if Maureen's player has a chance to react first.
Ie: She had more sailing (or pulled cards) to go first at the beginning of the round.
- Uses her ability before Sails of Wind due to wording of
"when vs. after" [EY, corr, 5/15/00]
- Again Boys may be played after Maureen's reaction cannon attack [DV].
- Thomas Gosse's ability can be used to untack Maureen and use her ability twice.
Padre Alfonso
- Can be used against Felipe Jose de Granjero (reacts to the word tacking),
digest, 1/28/00]
- Cannot be used in conjunction with Dispatching the Scum, as the crew
is not tacking. [DV, digest, 1/29/00]
Cannot stop Nice Try!, Nice Try! is absorbing
the hits, not the Captain. [EY, digest, 7/25/00]
Red Thorfield
- Cannot inflict infinite hits. It should be played as a trait, not a react.
[AEG, errata, FAQ, 5/30/00]
Rosamonde du Montaigne
- Cannot use her ability when a crew with 0 influence is
tacking.. [EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
Sabine Montjoy
- Her ability is a card effect, so it can be used against Ambush
Boarding, Common Pier, etc. [EY, digest, 8/31/00]
Samuel Smitts
- Uses his cannon skill during Challenge to a Duel. [EY,
digest, 5/30/00]
Cannot use Gunnery at its Finest during a boarding to
inflict extra hits, because you are not tacking to produce hits. [EY,
digest, 7/26/00]
Torvo Espada
- May reach his ability by using Riposte to produce a
dagger attack, or Panzerhand to produce a punch attack. [EY, digest, 8/24/00]
Tyree the Worthless
- Cannot sink to hire a First Mate if your Ship is
currently at crew maximum (See General Rulings/Crew) [EY, digest,
Corazon del Castille
- Can be used to pay the cost for cards that begin a boarding, such as High
Seas Boarding and Ambush Boarding. [DV,
digest, 3/7/00]
Should read: React: Tack when you are paying the Sailing
cost to begin a Boarding or paying the Sailing cost of an Action card that
creates a Boarding, to produce 5 Sailing. [ EY, digest, errata, 9/5/00]
Fair Weather Friend
- Is still an Unaligned ship, even when being captained by
someone from a faction. You cannot attach faction specific attachments to
it. [EY, digest, 6/26/00]
Le Predateur des Mers
- Cannot use its ability to bring Allies into the "7th
Sea" with it. [EY,
digest, 7/26/00]
Strange Skies
- Is immune to the effects of Long Tall Harry. [EY,
digest, 5/3/00]
Is not affected by Major Hull Damage or Minor Hull Damage
(clarified: they can be used to absorb hits and effect your crew max,
but do not count against your move cost). [EY, corr, 6/30/00]
Must pay the full 7 to cancel High Seas Boarding.
The card does not increase the SMC portion, it requires extra to pay its
cost. [EY,
digest, 5/3/00]
The Discovery
- Can be used by itself to sail (ability), but cannot be used in conjunction
with the "free" sail. [DV, digest, 1/28/00]
Uncharted Course
- Is not affected by Major Hull Damage or Minor Hull Damage
(clarified: they can be used to absorb hits and affect your sailing, but
do not count against your crew). [EY, corr, 6/30/00]
General Rules Questions-----
- "Passing" is a legal action (ed: and can be used in
combination with a Ship's Free Move ability). [EY, FAQ, MRP, 7/26/00]
- You cannot complete your opponents adventures. [EY, FAQ,
- Adventures must be played the exact number of seas away, it
is not a minimum. [EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
- Uncompleted Adventures are not considered to be Sea
Attachments. [EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
- May be completed without tacking a crew if paid for with card
actions (i.e. Carousing, Narrow Escape). [EY, digest, errata, 7/19/00]
- For L5R Players: You may target a tacked crew member with attachments (DW)
- Some cards, such as Attachments, have a title line which will say
something like "Crew Attachment". Other cards start out as Action
cards, then get attached to another card, like "Eyepatch". Such
cards have wording along the lines of "...this card then attaches to
one of your Crew...". Both of these types of cards are Attachments. [DV,
digest, 4/4/00]
- Crew Attachments
- There is no limit to the amount of attachments you can have attached
to one crew (DW)
- XXX Crew Attachment/XXX Captain Attachment (where XXX=Any trait/Any
Faction) means it MUST be played onto the crew of that type/has that trait,
and CANNOT be moved [DV, digest, 1/31/00]
Crew that have attachments do not have to tack to use them,
unless they specifically say so (i.e. Special Gift, Long Hand). [EY,
FAQ, 7/26/00]
Attachments cannot be moved from one crew to another. [EY,
FAQ, 7/26/00]
- Control cards
- Are considered Sea Attachments.They can be discarded
with Michel Rois et Reines, Herje, etc. [DV, digest, 4/12/00]
- Sea Attachments
- This Sea Attachment means the Sea you are currently in (and can later
be moved by cards) [DV, digest, 1/29/00]
- Sea Attachment means any Sea (and can later be moved by cards) [DV,
digest, 1/29/00]
- XXX Sea Attachment (where XXX=Any Sea name) means it MUST be
played into the named Sea, however you don't have to be in that Sea to play it
(it cannot be moved to another sea) [DV, digest, 1/29/00]
- Can be discarded with a combination of cannon and swashbuckling [ed:
instead of only one or the other] if it says # Cannon or Swashbuckling, but
not if says # Cannon or # Swashbuckling. [EY,
digest, 5/3/00]
- Ship Attachments
- The only action you cannot perform when you are at crew maximum is hire
more crew (ed: In response to being able to play Posh Quarters, Minor
Hull Damage, Major Hull Damage, etc. This means you can play any ship
attachment even if you are at crew max, and that it doesn't affect your
current crew). [DV,
digest, 5/1/00]
- If it attaches to X, then it is an "X attachment"
in addition to any other types (i.e. Major Hull Damage is both a Damage
Attachment, and a Ship Attachment) [EY, digest, 6/30/00]
- A Captain Attachment is also a Crew attachment. [EY, FAQ,
- Cannot be voluntarily discarded. [EY, digest, 7/24/00]
- From Reaper's Fee ther is new card type, the Chanties. These represent deeds and important events in the story line, and are played in much the same way as Omens were in the excellent Legend of the Burning Sands game. A player may play a Chantey as an Action, and it then stays in play and grants a global effect until it is removed from play. A player may remove a Chantey with a card effect, by playing a Chantey of their own (which replaces the existing Chantey), or occasionally by paying a cancel or discard cost. In power terms the Chanteys vary somewhat in their level, although that's generally reflected in any inherent cancel or discard costs they may have (with the slightly less potent ones being only discardable with a card effect or by replacing them).
- "Boarding" - 2 ships collide and their crews fight
- "Boarding Attack" - 1 Crewman jumps over the side to fight
- When a boarding is attempted and cancelled, the side attempting to board CANNOT immediately repay and attempt another boarding.
- Dan Verssen on absorbing hits during a boarding
To paraphrase, the rulebook says that the Crew pushed forward must tack
sink to absorb Hits until they are sunk, then any remaining hits spill
to the remainder of the crew.
This basically means that other crew may not tack or sink to absorb the
until the spill over occurs.
However, action cards, and crew cards for that matter, which have an
along the lines of "React: Play when you are suffering Hits. You suffer 2
fewer Hits." do get to help absorb Hits.
Here's why. Cards always overrule the rulebook. The rules say that only
pushed forward Crew may absorb the Hits. But, let's say you have a Brutes
which was not pushed forward. The Brutes say they absorb extra Hits when
tack to absorb Hits. But the card says nothing about being able to absorb
Hits for another card, or about absorbing Hits at a time they are not
suffering Hits (which in this case the Brutes are not suffering Hits, the
pushed forward crew is). Near Miss, on the other hand, says "React: Play
you suffer Hits during Boarding. You suffer 2 fewer Hits." So, the other
hits you. You are now suffering Hits, so you can react with cards which
to this situation.
- You no longer draw three cards at the end of a boarding, only after a turn
in which at least one player performed a boarding attack.. [MRP
Broadsides, FAQ, 3/18/00]
- On Timing (In response to when you could play Cut the Ropes or other
reactions during a boarding): The sequencing is
1) A player does not play a card to reverse a Boarding Attack.
2) That player somehow absorbs all the Hits inflicted by the other crew
3) Now that all of the Hits are absorbed, that player may play Cut the
(ed. note: Any costs may be paid by the dueling crew, if they aren't
currently tacked, because they don't tack until stage 5.)
4) The cancel cost of Cut the Ropes could be paid
5) Both dueling crews get tacked, if not already tacked [DV, digest,
- Boarding Attacks are not considered actions (ed: extension of Unexpected Turn of
Events/Challenge to a Duel Ruling) [EY, digest, 5/8/00]
- The rules regarding passing during Boardings currently end with:
"However, the attacker may not 'pass' in the first round if he has
TEXT DOES NOT EXIST! Scratch it out of your rulebooks. It is no
longer valid. [EY, digest, errata, 5/24/00]
- You cannot board with no cards in your hand. (Note that there are some crew
though (like Donna, Mountainous Mike and Don Deanna) who always allow you to
draw a card before performing a boarding attack - so while you can send those
crew forward you'll never have that situation. [DV, digest, 1/28/00]
(ed: this is no longer an issue, see errata)
- If you have no cards in your hand, but you are capable of doing
something (i.e. Pistol), or pushing a crew forward to draw a card (i.e.
Donna) you are not required to do anything, you may still pass.
[EY, digest, 5/24/00] (ed: this is no longer an issue, see errata)
- You may pass in the first round of boarding if you have no cards in your
hand. [EY, digest, 5/22/00] (ed: this is no longer an issue, see errata)
- Cards that say "play instead of a boarding attack" (I Fights
Better Drunk, Prepare for Boarding) stay in play until the end of
the boarding. [EY, digest, 5/22/00]
If you sink an opposing Captain during a boarding, you may
draw three cards (ed: multiplayer). [EY, digest, 6/30/00]
- When playing a card which says "before a boarding
attack" (i.e. Desperate Move), you must follow it with a boarding
attack, and not a card which is played "instead" of a
boarding attack. [EY, digest, 7/17/00]
- Note the difference between Performing
a Boarding Attack (pushing a crew forward) and playing a Boarding Attack
(playing the Boarding Boxes from your hand). Performing a BA can be resolved,
playing is responded to. Thus, as per the Shifting Tides glossary, a
Duel is resolved like a
Boarding Attack (which is performed) but not a Boarding Attack. The
non-parenthetical reference to BA is the one that is played. (ed: In response
to why Away Boarders! cannot be used at the end of Challenge to a
Duel). [EY, digest, 7/17/00]
Cards that produce sailing to begin boardings (Grappling
Hooks, Grappling Cannons, etc.) cannot be used to pay the costs of actions
associated with beginning a boarding (Ambush Boarding, High Seas Boarding, etc.)
[EY, digest, reversal, 9//00]
Cards that produce boarding attacks
- You are actually playing the attack produced by the
card (i.e.Panzerhand/Punch, Riposte/Dagger). [EY, digest, 8/24/00]
Control Victory
- If two players manage to get 5 Control cards in play
in the same round, niether one wins. You must continue playing until only one
player has 5 cards in play, or there is only one player. [EY, digest, 8/21/00]
- If you experience a crew, you do not gain the old crew's
abilities. The new crew completely replaces the original crew. [EY, FAQ,
- When experiencing a crew, it retains its current orientation.
[EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
- When a crew leaves play it does not retain any changes made
to it. There is no "card memory" in 7th sea. [EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
- You may have more than one First Mate on your ship. First
Mate is a trait, like Holy, Heroic, Gunner, Topman, or Villainous. [EY, FAQ,
- Experiencing a crew is just like hiring a normal crew.
Therefore you cannot experience a crew with the loyal trait if you are not of
that faction [EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
- When using "magic crew" (i.e. Ulf Karlssen,
Ambroise Praisse du Richetoisse, Mussette Malisci, etc.), if their skill
is reduced below zero, they do not have to discard current Knack attachements.
[EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
- In response to using The Captain's Word with crew who
have a stat reduced by magic attachments (Graham Hapworth, Ulf Karlseen,
etc): Crew with a negative in a stat are considered
to have a effective 0 in that skill. That means that if you give that crew a
bonus you count it as the actual negative, but if you are referencing the stat
it is a 0. If it's currently 0, and then increased using The Captain's Word,
you may attach another attachment, making the skill negative. [EY, digest,
- You can have 1 Experienced crew and 3 Non-Experienced Crew of
the same name on your ship. An experienced crew is not considered to be the
same card. [EY, digest, 8/18/00]
Crew which have "attachments built in" (Gaspar,
Cornelius Van Brock) are eligible for Actions which require a crew to
have attachments (Listen, etc.) [EY, digest, 9/7/00]
Crew Maximum
- Crew limits count for only bringing in crew. The restriction is that when bringing in a crew, you must have less than your crew capacity to do so. If you are over your crew limit for any reason (Billy Bones, Montaigne etc.) you do NOT have to discard crew immediately, and only have to discard crew if you want to bring more in.
- You cannot hire Dorf or Billy Bones if your crew max has
been met or exceeded [EY, digest, 5/8/00]
- You can hire Slippery Sal if there is at least one spot left
towards your crew max [EY, digest, 5/8/00]
- Your Ship and your Captain count towards your deck minimum of
60 Cards, but the seas do not [EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
- You may only have one Captain and one Ship in your deck.
Ships and Captains are not unique because they are not "brought into
play" in the normal sense. They begin the game in play. [EY, FAQ,
- A Captain cannot be discarded. If you ever discard your
Captain, you lose the game immediately. [EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
- You discard down to 7 cards immediately, if you ever have
more than 7 in your hand. [EY, digest, 8/18/00]
Drawing Cards
- If you are unable to draw 3 cards (all cards are either in
play or in your sunk pile), you simply draw as many as possible (or none at
all), and play continues. [EY, digest, 9/7/00]
- If you play a card that inflicts hits, and cost Cannon to
produce, they are only considered to be Cannon Hits if the card says so.
[EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
- Number cards come before letters when determining initiative at the
beginning of the turn (DW)
Improper Boarding Attacks
- That is to say, cards whose boarding attack types do not match others of the
same printing. These cards are to be played "as printed", as it
would be too difficult to track a MRP on boarding attacks. [DV, digest,
- Magic cards (Porte,Fate,Glamour) can only be attached to crew with
the appropriate skill (DW)
- In order to attach a spell the crew's magic ability must be equal or
greater than the spells level (i.e. Porte 2 spells need a Porte 2
magician) (DW)
- Crew with the magic knacks Porté, Fate, Glamour and Lærdom, can attach as
many cards as they wish, unless stated otherwise on their cards. [DV, digestm
Paying a Cost
You are considered to be paying a cost anytime you produce a
skill for any reason.
Example: If you are tacking Crew to use it's Cannon skill to play for a Volley
card, you are paying a cost. If you are tacking one Crew to perform a Cannon
Attack, you are still paying a cost. If you are tacking or sinking a Crew to
absorb Hits, you are paying a cost. Whenever you are meeting the requirements
of a Yellow flag or a Red flag, you are paying a cost. [Errata: 7th Sea
Website, 11/19/99]
- "In No Quarter, there were several rules for what "paying a
cost" was. This confused everyone (including me). So later, we changed it
to be any time you are generating points it is paying a cost." [DV,
digest, 2/25/00]
Any time you Do X to Do Y. X is the cost. 1) In response to why Carousing
works to absorb a single hit: The cost to absorb a hit is producing
swashbuckling or sinking a crew (which is also producing swashbuckling). [EY, digest, 5/17/00]
Costs are listed in yellow flags, or stated in the card text. The
"cost" of playing a card are like the "conditions" under
which it may be played. (i.e. In the case of Nice Try!, tacking your
Captain is the cost to play the card.) [AEG, FAQ, 5/30/00]
You may pay a cost entirely by using action
cards such as Narrow Escape and Carousing. When you use a crew
to pay a cost, they must have at least a 1 in the appropriate skill. [EY,
digest, 7/12/00]
When producing a non-action card cannon attack, you may only
tack one crew at a time. [EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
You can overpay a cost if for some reason you wanted to.
[EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
Producing Skill
- When you are sink a crew to absorb hits, or you are inflicting hits during a
boarding, you are producing Swashbuckling. [EY, digest, 5/22/00]
Ship Movement
- A ship can move, even if tacked - it just can't use it's Free
Move. [EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
- You can only move one sea at a time with a action, even if
you pay extra sailing. Although you may be combine this with your Free Move or
a special card ability. [EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
Tacking a Crew
The rule which keeps you from using a Crew with a skill of
"0" is also being changed. The updated rule is:
You may not tack a Crew with a skill of zero unless that crew is producing
at least one point of "effect".
Example: Tacking a crew for zero Cannon and playing Son of a Gun is
not allowed because the act of Tacking the crew does not produce an effect.
The effect is provided by a separate card (Son of a Gun)
Tacking Brutes when you are absorbing hits from a Grape Shot
is allowed because the Brutes card itself will produce an effect by
absorbing "additional" Hits. [Errata: 7th Sea Website, 11/19/00]
- Tacked crew may be targeted by actions and attachments . [EY,
FAQ, 7/26/00]
- You may not pay the cancel cost of an action targeting
another player during a multiplayer game. [EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
- You may target your own ship with actions if it says
"target a ship". [EY, digest, 7/19/00]
- Dan Verssen on timing (DV)
Here is how the timing works...
1) A player declares an action (let's say he takes a card from his hand
places it on the table)
2) The player pays for it (let's say he tacks 2 crew)
3) The effect takes place (let's say a 6 Hit cannon attack is produced)
Each Reaction card specifies when it is played.
So, a card might say something like "React: Play when a player is tacking a
Crew to produce Cannon. That Crew produces 0 Cannon". This card would be
played during step 2 above. The acting player is still in the "pay for it"
step and may continue to produce Cannon if some of what he has produced is
If when all is said and done, he has not paid the required cost, the
action is cancelled.
In the case of the Castille Letter of Marque, it says you must have "started
one or more boardings this game". For this to happen, you must have declared
a boarding, paid for it, and not have the target somehow cancel your attempt.
YOU have then "started a boarding". Should the opponent later end the
boarding (with Cut the Ropes for example) you will have still started a
boarding. However, if he cancelled it at the start (with Hiding in the Reefs
for example), then the Boarding never started.
Note the difference between Canceling an action and Ending an action. Cancel
means the effect does not take place, End means the effect is taking place
and it is stopped.
- Traits happen before Reacts. (ed. In response to when Jacob Faust
could use his ability with Sails of Wind/Maureen Leveque) [EY,
digest, 5/12/00]
- A trait ability can only be used once per trigger (ed: i.e Kedish the
Crescent, Fierbas Desaix du Paix, Celedoine) [EY, digest,
- If a unique card is sunk, another copy of that unique card may be
brought out in play. [EY, digest, 6/19/00]
- Unique means that you may only have one copy of the card in play at a
time. It does not prevent other players from also having one copy of the
card in play. [DV, digest, 4/14/00]
Tournament Rules-----
- 60 cards minimum per deck, including Captains and Ship
cards. This does not include the 5 Seas. No more than 3 copies of a card in
a deck. [EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
- Acceptable Tournament Formats: Single Elimination and
Swiss. Each tournament round will last no longer than 45 minutes. [EY, FAQ,
- Players are forbidden from altering their deck composition
once the tournament has begun. Illegal deck composition will result in
disqualification. [EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
- New cards from expansions are forbidden from use in
tournament play until 30 days after the general release to the public.
However, rules clarifications and errata from expansions are considered to
always be in effect. [EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
- Employees of Alderac Entertainment Group are not allowed to
play in any sanctioned event. AEG Bounty Hunter Demonstration Team
representatives are only allowed to play in sanctioned events when they are
not Judging the tournament. Judges are never allowed to play in the same
event that they are judging. [EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
- A Judges' decision is final. Further protest after the
Judge has made a decision as to rule interpretation will result in
disqualification. [EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
- If Time for a tournament round has expired without a
winner, the current player's turn is considered finished immediately as time
is called. The surviving players are then "moved to the 7th Sea,"
and the game is finished as normal with the following changes:
- Remove all Sea Cards, Sea Attachment cards, and
Uncompleted Adventure cards. Players may not leave the "7th
Sea," but may still initiate and cancel Boarding Actions as normal.
No new Crew, Attachment or Adventure cards may be brought into play.
Action cards may be played as normal. Crew may no longer tack to absorb
damage (hits). Crew may still be sunk to absorb damage. Play continues
in this fashion until there is a winner. [EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
The official tournament rule for a game that goes to time limit is as
follows (for those that are curious):
The Seventh Sea (DW)
- Finish the current turn.
- All seas and sea attachments are removed from play - the players "move
to the seventh sea".
- New crew, attachments and adventures may not be put into play.
- Crew may not tack to absorb hits. (they may still SINK to absorb hits
7th Sea
Sealed Deck
- When playing in a Sealed Deck game, you may ignore the
Loyal trait and you may have any number of a given card in your deck. The
Rule for Unique cards still applies. [EY, FAQ, 7/26/00]
[Most Recent Rulings],[Actions],[Adventures],[Attachments],[Crew],[Ships],[General