Scarlet Seas

Format: (Name) (Rarity) (Cost){(CostType)}/(Cancel){(CancelType)} [(Boarding Att)/(Boarding Parry)]

...and He Makes Witty Repartee (R) / [D/P,T]
Unique Your Captain must already have He Rides Well attached to play this card. React: Play when your Captain tacks to produce Inf. This card attaches to your Captain. Each time you inflict 3 or more hits with a Cannon or Boarding attack, inflict 2 extra Hits.
In his youth, Gosse had every woman he met eatin' out of his hand.

...and One for All (C) / [D/P,T]
React: Play when you suffer Hits during a Boarding Attack. You may tack or sink Crew other than your Crew in the Boarding Attack to absorb Hits.
Sometimes, it's better to have friends than subordinates. - Philip Gosse

...He Rides Well... (R) / [S/D,P]
Unique Your Captain must already have "He Fights Well..." attached to play this card. React: Play when you tack your Captain to produce Adventuring. This card attaches to your Captain and gives a +1 to all his skills.
He knew horses, too, Gosse did. Once rode fifty miles at a full gallop... with a Castillian girl in his lap.

7th Sea Eddy (R) 5Ad/ [D/P,T]
Target another Ship. Move that Ship to a Sea adjacent to its current Sea. Inflict 1 Hit on that Ship.
It leaks out sometimes - pieces of the 7th Sea. You can't control them, you can only hope to survive them. - Guy McCormick

A Coward Among Us (U) / [D/P,T]
You may not play this card if you have a Heroic Captain. React: Play this card instead of conducting a Boarding Attack. Sink one of your untacked Crew, except Captain. Your next Boarding Attack in this Boarding inflicts 4 extra Hits.

Backs to the Wall (C) / [S/D,P]
React : Play immediately before the other player in a Boarding pushes a crew forward. If all of your Crew are tacked, the other player may choose to either end the Boarding, or allow you to untack 2 of your Crew of your choosing.
Which one of you gets to meet Theus with me?

Bad Luck (R) / [D/P,T]
React: Play this card immediatly after you pay a cancel cost. Target the Ship controlled by the player who attempted the action. Inflict 1 Hit on that Ship. Only one Bad Luck may be played per action.
The Captain and I had a drawing, Mr. Smitts. You won... BLAM!

Barracuda (R) 2Ad/M+0 [D/P,T]
Any player may pay the cancel cost. Target a Sea when you play this card. Until the end of the turn, each time a Crew in the target Sea tacks to absorb Hits, discard the top card of your deck. If the Boarding Attack on the discard is a Club sink that Crew
You know, they can strip a cow in two minutes... Great! You don't happen to have one, do you?

Below the Waterline (C) / [D/P,T]
React: Play when you produce more than 3 Cannon for a Cannon Attack. The Ship targeted by the cannon attack has its move cost increased by 1 until the end of the turn.
Do you hear something splashing?

Best Served Cold... (U) 4Ad/ [S/D,P]
React : Play before you push a Crew forward for a Boarding Attack. Get a Crew from your sunk pile and push that Crew forward, untacked. If not already sunk, sink this Crew when the Boarding ends. *CHAF* somethin'...

Big Target (R) / [D/P,T]
React: Play when you are tacking a Crew to produce Cannon for a Cannon Attack. If the Ship targeted by the Cannon Attack has a crew maximum greater than 9, then your Crew produces 3 extra Cannon.
Gosh, I don't know... the big one, I guess.

Call to Duty (C) / [S/D,P]
React: Play this card when you are producing Swashbuckling. Tack one of your Crew to produce Swashbuckling equal to that Crew's Adventuring plus Swashbuckling.
Find out anything you can about Kheired-Din, Jacob. We've just made a deal abd I want to know if he keeps his word.

Cheap Gunpowder (C) / [S/D,P]
React: Play when tacking a Crew to produce Cannon for an action. That Crew produces 2 extra Cannon. immediatly after the resolution of the action, your Ship suffers 2 Hits.
Ye bought it from Fox, didn' ye?

Clear Skies (R) / [S/D,P]
Target all Laerdom cards in play. Tack those cards.
Sometimes, the day stays nice, no matter what the Vesetenmannavnjar want.

Clear the Decks (C) / [S/D,P]
React: Play immediately before you push a Crew forward for a Boarding Attack. Discard all cards in play which were used instead of performing a Boarding Attack.
You lubbers ever play ninepins? Its easy...let me show you...

Confusion on Deck (C) / [S/D,P]
React: Play when your opponent in a Boarding uses a card instead of performing a Boarding Attack. Cancel the effects of that card.
You can be as dashing as you want; it doesn't matter if you stab the wrong target.

Dark Dreams (C) / [D/P,T]
React: Play when you are paying an Adventuring cost. Discard 2 cards from your hand to produce 2 Adventuring.
The Three came again that night, repeating their endless mantra. Alesio wondered if she might get mad before they stopped.

Dashing Duel (U) / [S/D,P]
Target one of your Heroic Crew, and one untacked Crew with two or more Attachments (except a Captain) on another ship. Draw 1 card. Play a card from your hand as a Boarding Attack to begin a Duel between the two Crew.
Stick to cannons, you Vaticine swine. The delicacies of fencing don't suit you. - Gerard Rois et Reines

Desperate Wages (U) 1Ad/ [S/D,P]
Discard the top 3 cards of your deck. If one of those card is a Crew; you may Hire the Crew, paying all costs.
All right! Take it, take it all! Just please come with me.

Destiny's Touch (C) / [S/D,P]
You may only play this card if all of your Crew are tacked. React: Play this card and discard one Crew card from your hand when suffering Hits. Reduce the Hits suffered to 0.
Maggie Skittered backward, limbs flailing wildly - then Kheired-Din caught sight of her bare feet. "The mark of the lightbringer!"

Disguised Ship (C) / [S/D,P]
For the remainder of the turn, other players may not perform actions which react to your Ship entering their Sea.
Ringer Gutwold taught me this - change the plaque, change the sails, and ye got a whole new ship.

Don't Make Me Ask Again (R) 3Sw/ [D/P,T]
You may only play this card if you have a Villainous Captain. Get up to 2 Illegal Adventures from your deck, show them to your opponents, and place them in your hand. Shuffle your deck.
I'm looking for the Highland woman. Don't make me ask again.

Double the Rum Ration (R) / [D/P,T]
Each of your Crew, except your Captain, gains +1 Swashbuckling and loses 1 from each of their other four skills (minimum 0) until the end of the turn.
Tonight, we're ALL gonna get stupid drunk!

Down to the Nub (U) / [D/P,T]
React: Play when you are discarding or sinking a Cheap Attachment. The Cheap Attachment remains attached.
Don't laugh. It'll still cut you in half.

Extra Watch (C) 3Sw/ [D/P,T]
Untack your Ship.
Delaina watched as the men swarmed up to the crows' nests. "But Captain," she asked, "what are we looking for?" "I don't know," Allende replied, "but you'll know it when you see it."

Friendly Winds (U) 1Sa/ [S/D,P]
Weather Target an Ally card. Attach it to a Sea adjacent to its current Sea.
If only I have a monkey butler...

Guns Blazing (C) 3Ca/ [D/P,T]
React: Play when you start a Boarding that is not cancelled. Target the other Ship. You inflict 5 Hits on that Ship.
Somebody tells Captain Reis: Gerald's having one of his fits again. Julius Caligari

Harsh Light of Reality (R) / [S/D,P]
Target all Fate cards in play. Tack those cards.
Look at it! It's huge and menacing! It... hey, dont't shine that over here, you'll ruin the effect.

He Fights Well... (R) 1In/ [D/P,T]
Unique React: Play when you tack your Captain to absorb Hits. This card attaches to your Captain. Your Captain gains +1 Swashbuckling and inflicts 1 extra Hit during Boarding Attacks.
Gosse was quite the scrapper once. Could take out a whole barroom without breakin' a sweat.

I'm Not Left-Handed (R) / [D/P,T]
Unique - Swordsman 2 Knack React : Play before you play a Boarding Attack for one of your Crew. Draw 3 cards. If the other player in the Boarding has I'm Not Left-Handed in play when you play this card, draw 2 extra cards. This card is not discarded until the end of this Boarding.

It's a Trap (U) 3In/ [D/P,T]
React: Play when another player is performing an action to discard or sink one of your Sea Attachments. That action is canceled. Target and inflict 3 hits on that player's Ship.
Hey, I was going to share. Really!

Jorund's Betrayal (R) 7In/ [D/P,T]
React: Play when a player completes a non-Artifact Adventure. The Adventure is discarded without benefit. If the player completing the Adventure has a Villainous Crew in play, except Captain, Jorund's Betrayal target that player's Ship and inflicts 3 Hits
I'm sorry, captain, Jorund shrugged as he fired into Hoskul'd Shoulder. They just pay better.

King Before Captain (U) / [S/D,P]
Target a Crew (except a Captain) with more than two completed Adventures attached to the same skill. Discard all cards attached to the Crew.
As he watched Michel disembarrk, the General's fists clenched in frustration. Some things, it seemed, were more important than gold.

Land Lubber (R) /4In [S/D,P]
React : Play when a player Hires a Crew with Cannon of 0 and Sailing of 0. Pay an amount of Adventuring equal to the Influence cost of the Crew to target and discard that Crew.
Sheep... shank...??? What does livestock have to do with it?

Lightning Flash (C) 6Ad/ [D/P,T]
Weather Target and sink a Crew with an Influence cost less than 3. The cost to play this card is reduced by 2 (min. 1) if the targeted Crew is in the Trade Sea or the Frothing Sea.
The skoeren howled and the sky answered.

Livestock (C) 1In/ [D/P,T]
Move your Ship one Sea closer to one of your uncompleted Adventures. Beggining with the player on your left, ant player may discard 2 cards from their hand to cancel this action.
They're prettier than half the crew... and smell better than all of 'em!

Locked in Death (R) / [S/D,P]
You must have a Villainous Captain to play this card. React: Play after you inflict Hits with a Boarding Attack. Target the other Ship in the Boarding and inflicts 3 Hits on that Ship. Your ship then suffers 3 Hits.
How courteous of Deanna and du Crieux to rid the world of each other's company. - The General

Moment of Glory (U) / [D/P,T]
React : Play this card immediatly before you attach a card to one of your Crew. Treat one of your Crew with the No Attachments trait as not having that trait for the purposes of attaching the card.
I killed the pirate all by myself! - Billy Bones

Night of Horror (U) 3Ad/M+0 [D/P,T]
Target a Ship in the Mirror. Inflict 5 hits on that Ship.
Dalia spun with blinding speed, her knives flashing across the moonlight, but her frightful adversaries continued to advance...

No Survivors! (C) / [D/P,T]
React : Play instead of performing a Boarding Attack. Tack your Captain to sink all Crew on board the two Ships involved in the Boarding with an Influence cost less than 3.
They made him ask again.

Out of Action (U) 1In/ [S/D,P]
React: Play this card when one of your Ally is being discarded or sunk. Place the Ally in your hand instead.
Your crew is abandoning you. Why should you shield them further? All you need is turn them over to General Orduno, and the Church will provide ample compensation...

Pulled From the Sea (C) 1In/ [D/P,T]
React: Play this card when you are paying an Adventuring cost to produce 3 Adventuring
As the Hanged Man approaches Alesio's coordinates, Allende's eyes widened at the half drowned form clinging the figurehead. "Jeremiah Berek..."

Sea Chantey (U) / [D/P,T]
React: Play when you tack 2 or more of your Crew to produce Sailing. Untack one of the Crew which just tacked to produce Sailing.
Now you lot in the back: 'row, row, row your boat...

She's Coming Apart! (U) 2Ad/3Sw [S/D,P]
Target a Ship. Until the end of the turn, that ship immediatly suffers 1 Hit each time it enters a Sea.
The Trade Sea was never the safest of waters and with the Vestenmannavnjar on the prowl, it's grown some nasty teeth.

Slow Tack (C) M+0/ [S/D,P]
For the remainder of the turn, all of your cannon attacks inflict 1 extra Hit.
They're luffing, the fools. Open fire. - Admiral Orduno

Succubus (R) / [D/P,T]
Target all Porte cards in play. Tack those cards.
Never open your eyes when you're crossing through the Portal. Thre's things in there who don't like being seen. - Timothy le Beau

Swimming with Sharks (C) / [D/P,T]
React: Play when an opponent begins a Boarding with your Ship that you do not cancel. Target and sink a Crew on the other Ship with an Influence cost less than 2.
Keep swimmin', Morty! Ye got that guppy on the run!

Swing from the Rigging (C) / [D/P,T]
React: Play when you are paying the Sailing cost to begin a Boarding. Tack one of your Crew to produce Sailing equal to that Crew's Swashbuckling.
Anyone who doesn't hink the breach can be crossed hasn't seen Manuel Dejavez.

Syrneth Guardians (R) /9Sw [S/D,P]
Target another player who has 2 or more uncompleted Artifact Adventures in play. Sink all of the cards in that player's hand.
I'm not going in there. YOU go in there...

The Few, theProud... (U) / [S/D,P]
React: Play when an opponent begins a Boarding with your Ship that you do not cancel. If their Ship has a higher crew maximum, you may untack 2 of your Crew.
With jorund's betrayal, the Vendel thought they had Yngvild cornered. They thought wrong.

Therein Lies the Tale (U) / [S/D,P]
React : Attach this card to yout Captain when you complete an Adventure which increases Adventuring. This Attachment gives +1 Influence.
Arg! Ye should seen the big one...

Tools of the Trade (C) / [S/D,P]
React : Play when you are paying a skill cost. Discard 3 cards from your hand to produce 2 points of Cannon, Sailing, Adventuring, Influence or Swashbuckling.
We're Explorers after all. We should have known this would involve digging. - Guy Mc Cormick

Top Dog (R) / [S/D,P]
Target a Ship with more than one First Mate. That player must sink all but one of their First Mates. Tack the remaining First Mate.
Cosette felt ill at eas whenever Mumblety Peg was near her. There was something odd going on...

Underwater Cave (U) / [S/D,P]
React : Play when one of your Crew is targeted by a card which begins a Duel. Cancel that action.
Oh no, she's coming back... - Mortimer Snuff

Unreliable (U) / [D/P,T]
Act: Target a Cheap card in play. Discard that card. React: Play when a Cheap card is used. Cancel the effects of that card and discard it.
Stay away... I still got a hilt!

Vestenmannavnjar Funeral (R) / [S/D,P]
React : Play when one of your Vesten Crew sinks to absorb Hits. This card attaches to your Captain. All of your Vesten Crew inflict 1 extra Hit during Boarding Attacks. Only one Vestenmannavnjar Funeral may be played per Crew that sinks.
The Revenjs had escaped Jorund's betrayal - but Iken had paid the price.

Vile Duel (U) / [S/D,P]
Tack one of your Villainous Crew, to target a Heroic Crew (except Captain) on another Ship. Play a card from your hand as a Boarding attack to begin a Duel between the two crew.

Will Do You No Good! (C) 4Ad/ [S/D,P]
React : Play when a player performs a react. That react is canceled.
Not every piece of dracheneisen is proudly displayed. Some serve a far more covert purpose.

Without a Trace (U) 3Ad/M+0 [D/P,T]
Target and sink an Ally with a skill cost less than 5.
It was just a short row across the reach. How could he have vanished without a trace? - Rosamonde du Montaigne

Format: (Name) (Rarity) (Faction) (Cost)I C:(Cannon) S:(Sailing) A:(Adventuring) I:(Influence) Sw:(Swashbuckling) [(Boarding Att)/(Boarding Parry)]

Adeeb Al-Amid (C) Corsairs 3I C:0 S:4 A:0 I:0 Sw:1 [P/C,T]
Captive You must discard 1 card from your hand before Adeeb tacks to produce skill points, unless you have Edhago in play.
Kheired-Din needed a historian so he enslaved the best he could find.

Andrew Littlejohn (C) Sea Dogs 3I C:0 S:3 A:0 I:0 Sw:1 [P/C,T]
Topman When Andrew tacks to absorb Hits, he absorbs 2 extra Hits, except during Boarding.
Pssst! Hey, up here! Smile... *BLAM!*

Angus McCloud (R) Sea Dogs 8I C:2 S:3 A:2 I:2 Sw:4 [P/C,T]
Experienced - Unique - Loyal - Heroic - Swordsman +1 React: Tack one of you Crew to untack Angus when your ship enters a Boarding that is not canceled. Angus may perform this reaction once per turn.
Actually, it's spelled McLe... ahh, never mind!

Annie Rush (C) Sea Dogs 4I C:2 S:3 A:0 I:0 Sw:1 [P/C,T]
Swordsman +1
Ex-barmaids like Annie are tougher than most sailors. Ever try cutting off a drunken Inishman?

Babette (R) Montaigne 7I C:0 S:0 A:1 I:2 Sw:4 [P/C,T]
Experienced - Unique - Loyal - Swordsman +2 When Babette's opponent in a Boarding Attack plays the final Boarding Attack card, tack Babette to reduce the Hits inflicted by the Boarding Attack to 0.
She's not al lace and frills anymore...

Barnacle Pete (U) Sea Dogs 5I C:1 S:0 A:2 I:0 Sw:3 [P/C,T]
When you are paying the cost to put a Control cards into play, Pete has +2 to all of his skills.
His mother called him 'The Thing That Should Not Be.' That explains a lot - Bonnie McGee

Butcher Pinchot (U) Crimson Rogers 4I C:1 S:0 A:0 I:1 Sw:1 [P/C,T]
Unique - Loyal - Villainous Butcher does not count toward your crew maximum. Act: Once per turn, you may tack Butcher to untack one of your crew with the No Attachments trait.
Give me a week in port, Reis: I'll find your Highland lass.

Celedoine (F) Sea Dogs 9I C:0 S:0 A:0 I:3 Sw:1 [P/C,T]
Experienced - Unique - Loyal - First Mate - Glamour 2 React: Tack Celedoine when you are suffering hits. Reduce the Hits suffered to 0.

Cornelius Van Brock (C) Crimson Rogers 3I C:0 S:4 A:0 I:0 Sw:1 [P/C,T]
Topman Cornelius is considered to have 2 Leg Attachments.
Keep him up there until he spots the Sead Dogs. It's not like he can run away. - Riant Gaucher

Faisal (U) Corsairs 5I C:0 S:0 A:2 I:1 Sw:3 [P/C,T]
Unique - Loyal - Swordsman +2 You must push Faisal forward to conduct your first Boarding Bttack of each Boarding you are in, even if he is tacked.
Today I fight. Tommorrow I die. The day after that, I join the Prophet.

Francois Gaulle dul Motte (C) Montaigne 5I C:4 S:0 A:0 I:1 Sw:2 [P/C,T]
Gunner - Swordsman +1
Like all mud farmers, the General never looks past his own interests. why should I follow a man such as he?

Gaspar (R) Gosse 7I C:0 S:3 A:1 I:2 Sw:1 [P/C,T]
Experienced - Unique - Loyal Gaspar is considered to have a Leg attachment. Your Fine Galleys provide 2 extra skill points instead of 1. Act: Tack Gaspar to get a Fine Galley from your deck and attach it to your Ship (without cost). Shuffle your deck.
Monsieur Gosse is still not eating. Is the pheasant perhaps too tough?

Geno (U) Brotherhood 5I C:4 S:0 A:0 I:1 Sw:2 [P/C,T]
Loyal - Gunner When Geno tacks to produce Cannon for a Cannon Attack targeting a Ship with a higher crew maximum, his attack inflicts 2 extra hits
He mans the cannons on la Bucca. As long as he's there, the Brotherhood is safe. - Allende

Gerald Hohne (R) Crimson Rogers 6I C:3 S:1 A:2 I:1 Sw:2 [P/C,T]
Experienced - Unique - Loyal React: Once per turn you may sink one of your Crew immediatly before you push Gerald forward for a Boarding Attack to give Gerald +3 Swashbuckling until the end of the Boarding.
Every six months, a homicidal rage claims him. Reis find it handy for keeping the men in line.

Gillian the Razor (C) Brotherhood 3I C:0 S:3 A:0 I:0 Sw:3 [P/C,T]
Topman - Villainous Gillian's Influence cost is 5 as a starting Crew if you have another Topman in your starting Crew. You must tack 2 extra Influence to hire Gillian if you have another Topman in play.
She cut her husband into fishbait during his weekly shave. If I were you, I'd grow a beard

Hoskuld Hardrada (R) Vesten 8I C:0 S:3 A:2 I:3 Sw:3 [P/C,T]
Experienced - Unique - Loyal - Heroic - Swordsman +2 Act : Once per turn, you may discard one Weather card from your hand to give Hoskuld +1 to all skills for the remainder of the turn.
In the heart of battle, the crew looks to Hoskuld.

Inil (R) Corsairs 6I C:1 S:0 A:3 I:0 Sw:2 [P/C,T]
Experienced - Unique - Loyal React: Discard a Crew card from your hand when the other player in a Boarding performs an action instead of performing a Boarding Attack to cancel the action
Did I ever tell you how to navigate with a crossbow?

Inquisitor Bascalle (R) Castille 5I C:0 S:0 A:0 I:4 Sw:1 [P/C,T]
Unique - Loyal - Holy - Villainous Act: Tack Bascalle and sink one of your non-Loyal Crew. All of your Castillian Crew gain +1 to all of their skills until the end of your next action.
The General will signal you with a single shot, Orduno. Then you may board at leisure and do what you will to the crew.

Javier de Bejarano (R) Crimson Rogers 6I C:0 S:0 A:3 I:3 Sw:1 [P/C,T]
Experienced - Unique - Loyal - Villainous Act: Once per turn, you may sink one of your Crew to untack Javier
Only one test to go...

Jemy (U) Crimson Rogers 5I C:0 S:4 A:2 I:0 Sw:3 [P/C,T]
Experienced - Unique - Loyal - Topman - Heroic Jemy inflicts 3 fewer hits during Boarding Attacks (minimum 0)
Rumor spread through the ship that Gaucher had drawn Jemy's name before Smitt's - ant that Riant didn't believe the Hhulking topsman could be killed.

Joern Keitlsson (F) Crimson Rogers 10I C:3 S:4 A:3 I:2 Sw:4 [P/C,T]
Experienced - Unique - Loyal - First Mate - Swordsman +2 Your hand size is increased by 2.

Li'l Jim (R) Gosse 5I C:0 S:3 A:1 I:1 Sw:2 [P/C,T]
Experienced - Unique - Loyal - Topman - Heroic Li'l Jim's Boarding Attacks that finish with a Club inflict 2 extra Hits.
We rescued him from the hold of a Corsair galley. The mop? Let me tell you about the Mop... - Rami the Victorious

Marc Pierre (U) Montaigne 3I C:0 S:0 A:0 I:0 Sw:3 [P/C,T]
Loyal - No Attachments - Swordsman +1 When Marc tacks to absorb Hits, he absorbs 2 extra Hits.
I was a sewer before Admiral Valoix recruited me. The high seas are nothing compared to the horrors beneath Charouse.

Maria Forlani (U) Gosse 5I C:0 S:0 A:2 I:2 Sw:2 [P/C,T]
Loyal The completion cost of your Adventures is reduced by 1 (minimum 1)
I LOVE this job!

Max Discher (C) Gosse 5I C:3 S:0 A:2 I:1 Sw:2 [P/C,T]
People ask me why I use knives. You ever see what a misfired pistol can do to your hands?

Mumblety Peg (R) Explorers 6I C:2 S:3 A:2 I:1 Sw:3 [P/C,T]
Unique - Villainous - Swordsman +1 Mumblety may not be part of your starting crew. Mumblety's Influence Cost is increased by 2 if you have a First Mate in play.
Aye,I seen yer wife, Mc Cormick. Same place I got me this hand...

Natalia Ivanonva (C) Crimson Rogers 4I C:1 S:0 A:2 I:0 Sw:3 [P/C,T]
You think Reis Scares me? I once tied Aleski Novgorov to a tree by his tail. Funniest thing you ever saw.

Nicole Cowbey (U) Sea Dogs 7I C:1 S:3 A:1 I:2 Sw:3 [P/C,T]
Experienced Tom Toblin - Unique - Loyal The title of this card is Tom Toblin for Experienced purposes. Your crew with the No Attachments trait may have one Item attachment attached.
So he found me out! I still fooled all of you... and I'm still twice the man any of you'll ever be.

Orf Helfir (U) Vesten 6I C:0 S:0 A:0 I:1 Sw:3 [P/C,T]
Unique - Loyal - Villainous - Swordsman +2 Act: Tack Orf to target a Ship in this or an adjacent Sea. That Ship's player must target one of his or her Crew. Play a card from your hand as a Boarding Attack to begin a Duel between Orf and the target Crew.

Pertruccio Garibaldi (U) Explorers 6I C:0 S:3 A:3 I:0 Sw:2 [P/C,T]
Once per turn, you may untack Pertruccio immediately after you complete an Artifact adventure.
I can smell Syrne, McCormick. Like a bloodhound.

Phelan Cole (R) Sea Dogs 7I C:2 S:3 A:1 I:2 Sw:3 [P/C,T]
Experienced - Unique - Loyal - Topman React: Tack Phelan instead of performing a Boarding Attack to end the Boarding. Phelan then targets the other Ship that was in the Boarding and inflicts a 3 hit Cannon Attack on that Ship.
I wish he wouldn't do that. It's hard on the sails. - Lyin' John Fox

Ricardo Ramos (U) Castille 5I C:5 S:0 A:0 I:0 Sw:1 [P/C,T]
Unique - Loyal - Gunner When Ricardo tacks to produce Cannon for a Cannon Attack, the target Ship's controller may cancel the attack by paying Sailing equal to his Ship's move cost.
Once again, Castillian ingenuity rears its ugly head. - Admiral Valoix

Rita del Zepeda (C) Castille 3I C:0 S:0 A:1 I:0 Sw:2 [P/C,T]
Act: Tack to attach a Musket to Rita from your hand (without cost) if she does not have a Musket attached.
I watch the shore so that Orduno may watch the sea. The Montaigne invasion cannot be overturned by ships alone.

Sabine Montjoy (C) 2I C:0 S:0 A:0 I:0 Sw:2 [P/C,T]
React: Tack Sabine when another Ship attempts a Boarding with your Ship to cancel the Boarding attempt.
She's the bravest and most daring Knight I've ever known. Of course, she's also crazy as a bedbug...

Sean McCorley (R) Brotherhood 8I C:2 S:0 A:3 I:1 Sw:3 [P/C,T]
Experienced - Unique - Loyal - Heroic - Swordsman +2 If Sean inflicts Hits with a Boarding Attack, all of your Boarding Attacks which occur later during the Boarding inflict 2 extra hits.

Skeletal Boarding Gang (U) Necros 1I C:0 S:0 A:0 I:0 Sw:2 [P/C,T]
Loyal - No Attachments - Skeletal When this card sinks to absorb Hits during a Boarding, it absorbs 1 extra Hit.
From Legion's Pit, the Damned have risen...

Velda Conklin (C) Explorers 3I C:0 S:3 A:0 I:0 Sw:1 [P/C,T]
Heroic When Velda tacks to absorb Hits, she absorbs 2 extra Hits, except during Boarding.
The Vendel aren't thieves or butchers, despite what the Vestenmannavjnar think. All the same, a long trip far away from them sound perfect to me.

Vestenmannavnjar Archers (C) Vesten 3I C:0 S:0 A:2 I:0 Sw:1 [P/C,T]
Loyal - No Attachments Act: Tack the Archers and pay your Ship's move cost to inflict a 3 Hit Cannon attack on an opposing Ship in this Sea.
The arrows streaked across th water like comets, igniting everything they touched.

Format: (Name) (Rarity) [(Boarding Att)/(Boarding Parry)]

Battle of San Felipe (C) [T/C,S]
1 Sea Away To complete: Tack 9 Adventuring (6 if completed in Forbidden Sea). Crew Attachment: +5 Cannon
Everyone thought Admiral Valoix would try to reestablish the Montaigne blockade. No one imagined he would strike at free Castille - no one except Orduno

Duel with a Castillian (U) [T/C,S]
2 Seas Away To complete: Tack 3 Adventuring (2 if completed in la Boca). Crew Attachment: +1 Swashbuckling. This Crew inflicts 3 extra Hits during Boarding Attacks.
An astounding move, isn't it? Come quietly to the brig, and I might consent to teach it to you - Margaretta Orduno

Eisen Cannon Balls (C) [T/C,S]
1 Sea Away To complete: Tack 6 Adventuring (2 if completed in the Mirror and you have The River in play) Item Crew Attachment: +4 Cannon
They could put a hole in El Morro itself.

Eisen Steel (U) [T/C,S]
3 Seas Away To complete: Tack 6 Adventuring (2 if completed in the Mirror and you have The River in play). Goods Crew Attachment: +4 Influence

Eye of the Storm (R) [T/C,S]
Unique 2 Seas Away To complete: Tack 8 Adventuring (5 if completed in Trade Sea). Artifact Captain Attachment: Reduce your Ship's move cost by 1(minimum 1).

Favor for a Noble (C) [T/C,S]
1 Sea Away To complete: Tack 2 Adventuring (1 if completed in la Boca). Crew Attachment: +1 Influence
You can repay the Church, senor, simply by allowing the General to surrender his crew to you. The Eisen scum has already agreed to betray them..."

Gem of Warning (R) [T/C,S]
Unique 1 Sea Away To complete: Tack 5 Adventuring (3 if completed in Frothing Sea). Artifact Captain Attachment: React: When one of your Sea Attachment cards is being discarded or sunk, discard this card instead.
L'Empereur left his new admiral with a gift

Syrneth Powder (R) [T/C,S]
Unique 2 Seas Away To complete: Tack 10 Adventuring (7 if completed in la Boca). Artifact Ship Attachment: All of your Cannon Attacks inflict 2 extra Hits.
Purty, ain't it?

The Third Switch (C) [T/C,S]
1 Sea Away To complete: Tack 6 Adventuring (3 if completed in la Boca). When you complete this Adventure, target and discard all uncompleted Adventures and all Sea Attachments in this Sea.
The two crews faced each other, Explorer and Corsair, over a side they both thought was secret. Each side waited for the other to flinch...

Through the Magic Mirror (U) [T/C,S]
2 Seas Away To complete: Tack you Heroic Captain. Captain Attachment: +2 Swashbuckling. This Crew inflicts 2 extra Hits during Boarding Attacks.
Bbonnie stepped through the Grey Queen's mirror, into the realm beyond. She stepped back minutes later, but her face aged three years.

Ussuran Brawl (U) [T/C,S]
2 Seas Away To complete: Tack 5 Adventuring (4 if completed in the Mirror). Crew Attachment: +2 Swashbuckling. This Crew inflicts 2 extra Hits during Boarding Attacks.
Lock up the china, Fergus- Vlad and Piotr are at it again!

Format: (Name) (Rarity) (Cost)(CostType) [(Boarding Att)/(Boarding Parry)]

Blockade (C) 3Ad [C/D,S]
Sea Attachment Any player in this sea may discard Blockade by tacking 6 Cannon or Swashbuckling as an action. Act: Target a Ship in this Sea. That Ships' controller must either pay 3 influence or Blockade inflicts 4 Hits on that player's Ship.

Brenden Stafford (R) 2In [C/D,S]
Explorer Captain - Unique Tack this card when you bring an Ally card into play. Reduce it's cost by 3 (min. 1)
If Kheired-Din backed off after seeing Maggie's tatoos, then perhaps we have some bargaining power after all.

By the Gods... (R) [C/D,S]
This Sea Attachment - Oath Enters play tacked. While it's Sea Attachment, it's Unique and your Captain's Skills are reduced by 1 (min. 1). If you complete an Artifact Adventure while it's untacked, it becomes a Captain Attachment. Your Captain gains +1 to all Skills.
Thomas is gone, Gosse whispered. Gone...

Cafe of Broken Dreams (C) 4Ad [C/D,S]
Sea Attachment Any player in this Sea may discard this card by discarding one of their Crew as an action. Act: Name one skill and tack this card. All Crew in this Sea have that skill reduced by 1 until the end of the turn (minimum 0, minimum 1 for Swashbuckling)
"Let's go somewhere more cheerful, like the Castillian front, or Kheired-Din's hold"

Cannons of La Bucca (U) 5Ad [C/D,S]
La Boca Attachment - Port Any player in this Sea may sink Cannons of La Bucca by tacking 9 Cannon as an action. Act: Tack Cannons of la Bucca and target a Ship in this Sea. Inflict a 6 hit Cannon Attack on that Ship.
They sink any ship that comes within a mile.

Cheap Cannons (C) 2In [C/D,S]
Crew Attachment - Item - Cheap Discard this card when this Crew is producing Cannon. This Crew produces 3 extra Cannon.
Yeah, the barrels disintegrate when you fires'em. But have you seen what shredded cannon barrel can do to a hull? - Lyin' John Fox

Defense of the Motherland (R) [C/D,S]
This Sea Attachment - Oath While this card is a Sea Attachment it is Unique and your Captain's Influence is reduced by 1 (min. 0). When another Ship enters this Sea, this card becomes a Captain Attachment, which attaches to your Captain, and gives a +2 Swashbuckling.

Diplomatic Envoy (R) [C/D,S]
Opponent's Ship Attachment - Unique Play only if you have a Heroic Captain. Name a Sea when attaching it. It counts as 2 Crew in the Ship it is attached to. The Captain of that Ship gains +1 Influence while this card is attached. Sink it when that Ship enters the named Sea.

Dry Docks (R) 1In [C/D,S]
Sea Attachment - Unique React: Tack this card while your Ship is this Sea and you are paying to discard or sink a Damage Attachment. Dry Docks produces 5 points toward discarding or sinking the Damage Attachment.
She'll be ready, Bonnie. One way or another.

Fate's Web (U) 0 [C/D,S]
Opposing Adevnture Attachment You must tack one of your crew with Fate of 1 or more to play this card. Attach this card to an uncompleted Adventure of another player. All Hits inflicted by that player are reduced by 2 (minimum 0) until that Adventure is completed, discarded, or sunk. Discard this card when that Adventure is completed.
"You will betray him…"

Fear and Fire (U) 10Ad [C/D,S]
Trade Sea Attachment - Unique - Control You must be in Trade Sea to play it.Any player in this Sea may discard it by producing 12 Can. as an action. Card effects which discard or sink Sea Attachments may not target it. Act: Tack it to get and show a Control from your deck, shuffle your deck.

Hand of the Sirens (U) 3Ad [C/D,S]
Crew Attachment - Artifact - Hand Attachment Crew can't have more than on Hand attachment. React: Tack this card instead of performing a Boarding Attack. Target one Item attachment on the opposing Ship and discard it. The opposing player may cancel this action by tacking 4 Swashbuckling.

High Seas Cannoning (C) 6Ad [C/D,S]
Crew Attachment - Item +3 Cannon
Forged with bravery and quenched in blood, the crews know their jobs like no others.

Host (Harvest) (R) [C/D,S]
Crew Attachment - Unique - Laedom 2 Knack Your hand size is increased by 1.
Starve the Vesten out and they turn to their magic. But starve the Vendel out and they learn that you can't eat gold.

Hostile Harbor (C) 3Ad [C/D,S]
This Sea Attachment - Port Any player in this Sea may sink this card by tacking 4 Influence as an action. Other players draw 2 fewer cards during the Draw phase (minimum 1) if their Ship is in this Sea.
San Augustin's in Montaigne hands now - and by Theus, they mean to keep it.

Howls of Vengence (C) 2Sw [C/D,S]
Captain Attachment - Oath React: Instead of performing a Boarding Attack, pay 1 Swashbuckling to tack this card. Your hand size is increased by one while your Ship is in a Boarding and this card is tacked.
Would it help if I said I'm sorry?

La Bucca Defenses (R) 6Ad [C/D,S]
La Boca Attachment - Unique - Port You may only play this card if you have a Brotherhood Captain. As an action, any player in this Sea may tack this card by paying 3 Influence. Act: You may tack this card to targer a Ship in this Sea. Inflict a 5 Hit Cannon Attack on that Ship.
The former prison has more than ships defending it.

Marker Barrel (U) 1Ad [C/D,S]
Adventure Attachment You must attach this card to an Adventure you put into play as your last action. Any player in this Sea may sink Marker Barrel by tacking 1 Cannon as an action React: Discard this card when you are paying the completion cost of this Adventure to produce 3 Adventuring.

Master of Wind and Tide (U) 10In [C/D,S]
Frothing Sea Attachment - Unique - Control You must be in Frothing Sea to play it.Any player in this Sea may discard it by producing 12 Swa. as an action. Card effects which discard or sink Sea Attachments may not target it. Act: Tack it to get and show a Control from your deck, shuffle your deck.

Merchant Quarter (C) [C/D,S]
Sea Attachment Any player in this Sea may sink this card by tacking 2 Cannon as an action. The completion costs of your Goods Adventures are reduced by 1 (minimum 1).
Can ye spare a guilder, sir? Spare a guilder fer..twerp.

Merchant Ship (C) 2Sw [C/D,S]
Sea Attachments - Ally When put into play, it attaches to Forbidden Sea. Act: Tack this card to attach it to an adjacent Sea. Act: Tack this card while it is in Frothing Sea to untack one of your crew with an influence cost 3 or less. This card then attaches to Forbidden Sea

Montaigne Ship of the Line (R) 12In [C/D,S]
This Sea Attachment - Ally Any player in this Sea may discard this card by producing 10 Swashbuckling or Cannon as an action. Act: Tack this card to attach it to an adjacent Sea. Act: Tack this card and target a Ship in this Sea. Inflict a 8 Hit Cannon Attack on the target.

Mother in Law (U) [C/D,S]
Sea Attachment You must attach it to the Starting Sea of another Captain in play. If a Ship is in this Sea at the end of the action phase and that Ship's Captain has this Sea as his Starting Sea, that Captain's controller draws 1 fewer card (min.0) during the draw phase
...and I hates me the mothers-in-law... - Grousin' George

Phantom Topman (R) 5Ad [C/D,S]
Ship Attachment - Unique Discard 1 card from your hand and tack this card when paying a Sailing cost to produce Sailing equal to your Ship's move cost.
Aye, he gives me the creeps too, but he's a hard worker, and the Captain ain't gotta pay 'im.

Queen Eleanor (R) [C/D,S]
Crew Attachment - Glamour 2 Knack Act: If all your Crew are tacked, tack Queen Eleanor to move your Ship to the Trade Sea.
The Beloved Queen was keeper of Avalon's lore. Bonnie wants to write us into her book...and she has to go to Bryn Bresail to ask her. - Celedoine

Rabbit's Foot (C) 2Ad [C/D,S]
Crew Attachment - Item React: Discard this card after you discard the top card of your deck to change the Boarding Attack on the discard to be the Boarding Attack of your choice.
I ain't dead yet, so it must be workin'. - Grimey Stubbs

Rats in the Hold (R) 4Ad [C/D,S]
Opponent's Ship Attachment - Unique Any player in this Sea may tack 6 Swashbuckling as an action to sink the Rats in the Hold. The controller of this Ship has their hand size reduced by 1.
Tell Gaspar we're fishin fer dinner tonight.

Rum Runners (C) 1Sw [C/D,S]
Sea Attachments - Ally When Rum Runners comes into play, it attaches to la Boca. Act: Tack this card to attach it to an adjacent Sea. React: Tack this card while it is in the Trade Sea to give all your Crew +1 Swashbuckling until the end of the turn. Attach this card to la Boca

Rune Knowledge (U) [C/D,S]
Crew Attachment - Laerdom Knack +1 Laerdom
All that power in her hands - magic from the Vesten's mightest ancestors - and Yngvild couldn't even see the traitor beneath her nose. - Admiral Valoix

Secret Stash (C) 3Ad [C/D,S]
Sea Attachment Any player in this Sea may sink this card by tacking 3 Swashbuckling as an action. React: Sink Secret Stash when paying an Adventuring cost to produce 3 Adventuring.
Jack's got himself a secret horde somewhere. If only we could read his map...

Ship's Boat (R) 1In [C/D,S]
Ship Attachment - Unique The Ship's Boat counts as one Crew against your crew maximum. React: Tack this card immediately after you have completed an Adventure. Untack one of your Crew which tacked to pay the Adventuring cost of that Adventure.
It was just a wave. Keep rowing.

Ship's Brig (U) 2In [C/D,S]
Ship Attachment React: Tack Ship's Brig when another player is targeting one of your Villainous Crew. Cancel the effects of the action. Tack the targeted Crew if it is untacked.
You know why I'm in here? Come closer and I'll show you...

Show of Force (U) 8Ca [C/D,S]
Captain Attachment +3 Influence
Yes. They're loaded

Speak Softly... (U) 10Ca [C/D,S]
La Boca Attachment - Unique - Control You must be in la Boca to play it.Any player in this Sea may discard it by producing 12 Sai. as an action. Card effects which discard or sink Sea Attachments may not target it. Act: Tack it to get and show a Control from your deck, shuffle your deck.

Swift Vengeance (U) 10Sa [C/D,S]
The Mirror Attachment - Unique - Control You must be in the Mirror to play it.Any player in this Sea may discard it by producing 12 Adv. as an action. Card effects which discard or sink Sea Attachments may not target it. Act: Tack it to get and show a Control from your deck, shuffle your deck.

Tempting the Portal (R) [C/D,S]
Crew Attachment - Porte 2 Knack Act: Discard this card and tack this Crew to discard the top card of your deck. If the Boarding Attack on the discard is a Dagger, sink this Crew. Otherwise, untack your Captain.

The Crow's Nest (U) 3In [C/D,S]
Ship Attachment You must discard this card when you suffer Hits from a Weather card. Other players may not perform reacts which react to your ship entering their Sea.
It shakes in the wind like a tree. You get used to it - or you take a one way trip to the deck, whichever.

The Grey Queen's Price (R) M+0 [C/D,S]
Captain Attachment - Unique - Oath Discard this card anytime you do not have an uncompleted Adventure in play. The completion cost of your uncompleted Adventures is reduced by 2 (min. 1).
The Queen looked carefully at Bonnie. "The mirror leads to Bryn Bresail, my dear. But to cross it, you must first tell me a secret - something no one else on Théah knows..."

The Right Place (R) [C/D,S]
Crew Attachment - Fate 2 Knack Act: Tack this Crew and sink this card. Move your Ship to any Sea.
But there's nothing there, Alesio! Just empty water! I know- and I don't know why we have to there-but if we don't, the Brotherhood will die...

Tight-Knit Crew (R) 2Ad [C/D,S]
Captain Attachment - Unique While your Ship's crew maximum is less than 9, your hand size isincreased by 1.
We're gonna find that murderin' bilge rat, an' we're gonna see if his guts are as red as his sails. So says I. So says we all. - Bloody Bonnie McGee

Topaz Pendant (C) 4Ad [C/D,S]
Crew Attachment - Item React: Discard when you are paying a skill cost to produce 2 points of that skill.
The flaw formed naturally, believe it or not - one of the reasons the crew considers it good luck.

Vendel Smugglers (C) 1Sw [C/D,S]
Sea Attachments - Ally When it is put into play, it attaches to Frothing Sea. Act: Tack this card to attach it to an adjacent Sea. React: Tack this card while it is in Forbidden Sea and you are paying an Influence cost. This card produces 4 Inf. then attaches to Frothing Sea.

Vengeful Serpent (U) 7Ad [C/D,S]
Sea Attachment Any player in this Sea may sink Serpent by tacking 8 Swashbuckling as an action. Act: Tack Serpent to attach it to an adjacent Sea. Act: Tack Serpent to target a Ship in this Sea. Serpent inflicts 5 Hits on that Ship.
I think we drove it off...

Vodacce Pirates (U) 10Sw [C/D,S]
Forbidden Sea Attachment - Unique - Control You must be in Forbidden Sea to play it.Any player in this Sea may discard it by producing 12 Inf. as an action. Card effects which discard or sink Sea Attachments may not target it. Act: Tack it to get and show a Control from your deck, shuffle your deck

Format: (Name) (Rarity) (Faction) (Crew Max) CM / (Move Cost) MC

The Hurricane (Fixed) Sea Dogs 9 CM / 3 MC
Act: Tack the Hurricane and one of your Crew to draw one card. React: Tack before performing an action, to move to an adjacent Sea.

The Scarlet Roger (Fixed) Crimson Rogers 11 CM / 4 MC
You may cancel a Boarding targeting your Ship by paying 4 Cannon (this cost may not be reduced). React: Tack before performing an action, to move to an adjacent Sea.

Format: (Name) (Rarity) (Faction) W(Wealth) C:(Cannon) S:(Sailing) A:(Adventuring) I:(Influence) Sw:(Swashbuckling)

Captain Bonnie Maggie (Fixed) Sea Dogs W9 C:3 S:3 A:3 I:4 Sw:5
Starts in Forbidden Sea - Heroic - Swordsman +2 You may not have Bloody Bonnie Maggie on board. While you have 3 or more Sea Dog crew on your ship and there is a Villainous Captain in play, your Sea Dog Crew have +1 to all skills that are above 0.

Captain Reis (Fixed) Crimson Rogers W7 C:4 S:4 A:3 I:3 Sw:4
Starts in Forbidden Sea - Villainous - Swordsman +2 While you have 3 or more Crimson Roger Crew on your ship, your Cannon costs to play, cancel, discard, or sink a card are reduced by 3 (minimum 1).
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