Escalation Pack I: Rebels and Reinforcements
*** These cards can only be found in escalation packs, and only one per pack!
34 Cards Total (29 Fate Cards, 2 Legions, 3 Warlords)
Fate Cards
Amulet of Protection
Bebilith Sympathizer
The Converted
Crown of Protection
Foo Dog Pack
Gaze of the Bodak
Hruggek's Symbol
Legions Mutiny!
Lemure Patrol
Lower Planar Conscription
Marraenoloth Skiff
Massacre in Baator
Mercykiller Paladin
Mephit Swarm
Modron Sentries
Native of Sigil
Nupperibo Host
Peace Compact
Prisoners of War
Ring of Protection
Scream of Armanites
Shamble of Rutterkin
Shekinester's Symbol
Slaadi Mob
Slaughter in the Abyss
Tiefling Sensate
Upper Planar Recruitment
Yeth Hound Pack
Yugoloth Bribery
Bugbear Shaman
Tutor of the Crone
The Lady of Pain - ultra rare!