This is an expansion set of over 100 cards for the Middle-earth Collectible Card Game. While it is fully compatible with both Middle-earth: The Wizards and Middle-earth: The Lidless Eye, Middle-earth: The Balrog focuses on a player using resources from The Lidless Eye.
The Balrog is supremely confident of his own immense
personal power. After all, just like Sauron, he was one of Morgoth's chief
lieutenants. The Balrog tends to rely on brute force and direct confrontation
rather than more subtle approaches often used by Ringwraiths and Wizards.
His goals are basic and simpleaccumulate power and destroy his enemies.
If he can do this, he can become a dominant power in Middle-eartha factor
to which both the Dark Lord and the Free Peoples will be forced react.
Note: Middle-earth: The Balrog introduces
a new classification of creatures called "Spawn." These monstrous
creatures were created by Morgoth or other fallen spirits. Like the Balrog,
a few Spawn survived the War of the Wrath and hid deep underground.
A Balrog Player
A Balrog player acts as a Ringwraith player. Any card and rules text applying to a Ringwraith also applies to The Balrog (e.g., if a card refers to a Ringwraith, it now applies to "a Ringwraith or The Balrog").
However, instead of using the special rules listed on page 59 of the MELE rules (or wherever else these rules may appear), a Balrog player uses the following special rules:
Victory Conditions
As a Balrog player, you may win in the same way a MELE Ringwraith wins: your opponent is eliminated or you recover The One Ring or you have the most marshalling points at the Audience with Sauron. The following exceptions apply:
Getting Ready to Play
A Balrog player prepares for play just as a Ringwraith player does, with the following exceptions:
Declaring that You are a Balrog Player
If you include The Balrog card (the character card with the special reddish background) in your deck or sideboard, you are a "Balrog player." In this case, you must tell your opponent before choosing starting companies.
Note: You and your opponent may both be Balrog players, but winner will probably the first player to get his Balrog into play.
Your Location Deck and Sites
Your location deck may include one copy of each of the minion site cards with the following exceptions:
Your Starting Company, Play Deck, and Sideboard
Your starting company and play deck (and your sideboard) may be constructed like any other Ringwraith's-with the following exceptions:
Above the Abyss | The Lidless Eye |
Bade to Rule | Morgul-blade |
The Balrog (Ally) | News of the Shire |
The Black Council | Open to the Summons |
Black Horse | Orders From Lugbúrz |
Black Rider | Padding Feet |
By the Ringwraith's Word | The Ring Leaves its Mark |
Creature of an Older World | Ringwraith cards |
Fell Rider | Sauron |
The Fiery Blade | They Ride Together |
Helm of Fear | Use Your Legs |
Heralded Lord | While the Yellow Face Sleeps |
Durin's Bane | Balrog of Moria |
Kill All But NOT the Halflings |
Starting Site
You may have up to two starting companies-they may begin play at Moria and/or The Under-gates.
Characters and Companies
There are three types of movement in MECCG: starter movement, region movement, and Under-deeps movement.
Defeating a Permanent-event
Certain hazard permanent-events indicate that they give "kill" marshalling points (e.g., Dragon "At Hunt" and "At Home" cards, the "Spawn" hazards from ME: The Balrog, etc.). Each of these cards has an attack associated with it. If such an attack is defeated, treat the associated card as a defeated creature.
Placement of Cards Clarification
"off to the side"
Certain cards and effects require other cards be placed "off to the side" (e.g., Sack Over the Head). Cards placed off to the side are placed on the playing surface, usually off to the side of the normal area of play. Such cards are kept with their host permanent-event that caused this effect. Any card placed off to the side absolutely cannot be targeted or otherwise affected by the game except by cards that specifically affect cards placed "off to the side."
Cards placed off to the side are in play for the purposes of uniqueness. Unless stated otherwise, when a host permanent-event is removed from the playing surface, any cards placed off to the side under it are discarded. Usually the host card will state some mechanic that affects the cards placed off to the side with it. Unless stated otherwise on its host card, a card placed off to the side will give its marshalling points to its owner. As a major exception, "taking prisoners" cards (primarily from Middle-earth: Dark Minions) yield negative marshalling points for characters taken prisoner.
Cards With Multiple Actions
If a card specifies that more than one action occurs when the card is itself resolved in a chain of effects, all of these actions are to be resolved in the card's chain of effects uninterrupted and in the order listed on the card. No actions may be declared to occur between these multiple actions. The actions listed on the card are considered to have been declared in the reverse order as they are printed. As an exception, in one of the effects of a card is an attack, cards may be played that cancel the attack, cancel one of the strikes, or that otherwise are playable during the strike sequence.
Discarding Cards
When a card leaves active play (discarded, eliminated, returned to owner's hand, etc.), discard all cards played on it.
Tournament Rules
The Under-deeps
Note: Created by streams of molten rock and expanded by
geothermal eruptions of super-hot gas, the Under-deeps are a result of a
combination of natural and supernatural forces. The hand of Morgoth joined
what was once a collection of sundered cavern complexes. His greater servants
used this maze of tunnels and chambers to travel surreptitiously throughout
Although Endor changed during
the Elder Days, the core of the Under-deeps survive. Travel between the
underground sites is now difficult, if not impossible, for all but the greatest
(and luckiest) explorers. Blocked or twisting away from their original course,
the Under-deeps seem broken. Junctions and strongholds seem lost. Many appear
as simple caves or side passages. Others lie hidden behind veils of rock.
Nearly all are still there, though, awaiting discovery.
An Under-deeps site card has "Under-deeps" in the section that normally gives site's region, and its name contains "-deeps" or "Under-" An Under-deeps site is just like any other site with the following exceptions:
Example: Azog taps and plays High Helm (a major item) at The Gem-deeps and the site taps. Then, a Hill-troll in Azog's company could tap to play a minor item at a non-Under-deeps site. But The Gem-deeps is an Under-deeps site, so the Hill-troll can tap to play any item playable at The Gem-deeps: a minor item, a major item, or a gold ring. He taps and plays A Little Gold Ring.
Under-deep Site Movement
One of your companies that begins its turn at the surface site of an Under-deeps site can move normally or it can move to its adjacent Under-deeps site (i.e., the company moves to an Under-deeps site from its surface site). One of your companies that begins its turn at an Under-deeps site may only move to one of the adjacent sites listed on the Under-deeps site card.
Each adjacent site is followed by a number in parentheses-this number indicates how difficult it is to move from the Under-deeps site to the adjacent site. When an adjacent site is revealed by one of your companies whose site of origin is an Under-deeps site, you must make a roll (2D6). If the result is greater than or equal to the number in parentheses following the adjacent site as listed on its site of origin, the movement/hazard phase proceeds normally. Otherwise, the company returns to its site of origin (no cards are drawn) and the movement/hazard phase proceeds as if the company had not moved.
Note: A company moving from a surface site to its Under-deeps site does not need to make a roll. As an exception to this, a Balrog company moving between the Blue Mountain Dwarf-hold and the The Drowning-deeps (or between the Iron Hill Dwarf-hold and the The Rusted-deeps) must roll the number given on the Under-deeps site, which is normally 13 and impossible to roll.
Note: Movement between an Under-deeps site and its surface site is not affected by modifications that affect movement between two Under-deeps sites.
Example: A Balrog company that starts at Carn Dûm can move normally or it can move to The Iron-deeps-The Iron-deeps lists Carn Dûm as an adjacent site. Similarly, a minion company that starts at The Iron-deeps may attempt to move to any adjacent site listed: Carn Dûm (0), The Under-leas (6), or The Under-vaults (7). However, after committing to movement, the moving player must roll a 6 or better to successfully move to The Under-leas or a 7 or better to successfully move to The Under-vaults.
Example: A company is moving from The Under-grottos to Goblin-gate with Long Winter in play. Long Winter's effect of returning a company to the site of origin has no effect, since it depends on the company's site path, and the company has no site path. Long Winter's effect of tapping a site will work, since that effect depends on the site's site path, which still exists. Finally, creatures can only be played keyed to the Shadow-hold of Goblin-gate.